
rachel hayden

Née à Cincinnati dans l’Ohio en 1992. Vit et travaille à Brooklyn, NY.

Rachel Hayden a obtenu un BFA in Fine Arts au Maryland Institute College of Art, en 2015. Après avoir reçu son diplôme, elle a d’abord travaillé dans le domaine de la petite enfance au Walters Art Museum de Baltimore, dans le Maryland. En 2020, la jeune artiste a quitté Baltimore pour s’installer à Brooklyn, où elle vit et travaille aujourd’hui. Par sa peinture, elle développe un alphabet pictural composé d’éléments naturels, tels que des insectes, des plantes ou des objets célestes, sur lesquels elle pose des visages.

Parfois, une lumière rasante vient délicatement caresser les ailes d’un papillon de nuit, avant d’épouser la courbe d’une paupière. En faisant varier les teintes, l'artiste donne du relief aux êtres vivants, pour mieux rendre palpable leur fragilité. Bien que son travail de coloriste soit subtilement élaboré, la simplicité des objets choisis ainsi que leur agencement donnent aux spectateurs un rapport de proximité immédiate avec les sujets. La sincérité du trait et l’absence d’artifices permettent à ces créatures anthropomorphes de coexister avec légèreté dans des compositions finement équilibrées. La puissance expressive des regards stimule nos sensations, qu’elles soient physiques ou émotionnelles. Là où un memento mori nous rappelle que la mort nous guette, Rachel Hayden, par sa peinture, nous enveloppe dans l’instantanéité de la vie.

voir l'exposition Contact
voir l'exposition Sweet Dreams
voir l'exposition Le Corps Paysage

Born in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1992. Lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.

Rachel Hayden graduated from the Maryland Institute College of Art in 2015 with a BFA in Fine Arts. After graduating she began working in early childhood education at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, MD. In 2020, she relocated from Baltimore to Brooklyn, NY, where she currently lives and works. Through her art practice, she develops a pictorial alphabet of natural elements, such as insects, plants or celestial objects, on which she superimposes faces.

In some works, a grazing light caresses the wings of a moth, before following the shape of an eyelid. By playing with hues, she gives relief to living beings, making their inherent fragility palpable. Her skills as a colorist are ingeniously elaborated, while the simplicity of the objects she selects and arranges gives the spectators an immediate proximity with the subjects. The sincerity of her paint stroke and the absence of artifices, allow these anthropomorphic creatures to coexist in well-balanced compositions. The expressive power of the eyes stimulates our sensations, both physical and emotional. Whereas a memento mori reminds us that death is never far, Rachel Hayden, through her paintings, wraps us up in the immediacy of life.

see Contact exhibition
see Sweet Dreams exhibition
see Le Corps Paysage exhibition




● Four Bitten Fruits, Resort Gallery, Baltimore MD


● Please Hold First Amendment Gallery, San Francisco, CA


● CAUTION!!!, curated by Ryan Doyle, The Bermuda Project, St. Louis, MO



● Melancholympics, curated by Sasha Bogojev, The Wunderwall, Antwerp, Belgium
● Being Human is Hard, curated by Brock Brake, Pt. 2 Gallery, Los Angeles CA


● Slow Drip, curated by Alex Ebstein, Resort Gallery, Baltimore MD
● Drop Shadow, curated by Alex Ebstein, Rosenberg Gallery, Towson, MD


● Juxtapoz Clubhouse 2018, with First Amendment Gallery, Miami FL
● Sorry We Weren't Here to Meet You, We've Been Out Exploring, curated by Pablo de Pinho, Usagi NY
● Will the heat ever end?, curated by Ricky Morales, Martha’s Contemporary, Austin TX
● Greenpoint, curated by HARPY Gallery, Pop-up in Dusty Rose Vintage, Brooklyn NY
● Past Tense, curated by Dave Eassa, SPACE Gallery, Portland ME


● Revenge Body, curated by Elana Webb, Adds Donna, Chicago IL
● These Art Them, curated by Justin Hoekstra, Jordan Faye Contemporary, Baltimore MD


● Summer Bummer, curated by Claire Felonis, Pop-up in the home of The Hamiltonian’s Rebeka Pineda, Washington DC
● Deer in Headlights, curated by Dave Eassa, Tastykake Gallery, Baltimore MD



● Bachelor of Fine Arts, Magna Cum Laude, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD

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