
heather benjamin

Née en 1989 à New York City, où elle vit et travaille.

Heather Benjamin a obtenu un BFA en gravure de la Rhode Island School of Design, en 2016. Depuis 2009 elle publie ses dessins dans des zines et des livres d'artiste. Toujours active dans sa pratique de l’auto-édition, elle a su diversifier ses médiums pour créer des dessins et des peintures à plus grande échelle, ainsi que des animations, des céramiques et des textiles. En alternant violence et sensualité dans son art, Heather Benjamin défend un féminisme où le corps de la femme est glorifié sous toutes ses formes pour mieux être démystifié, reflétant ses racines dans la culture punk et DIY. Ses dessins sont souvent des autoportraits prenant la forme de créatures hybrides.

En tant que curatrice, elle a organisé des e xpositions de groupe à Andrew Edlin (NYC), New Image Art (LA) et 182 Ave C (NYC). Elle a exposé son travail à la fois aux Etats-Unis et internationalement, notamment à Jeffrey Deitch, Muddguts, Miami Art Basel, NADA Chicago, Mana Contemporary, ou encore Invisible Exports.

voir l'exposition Bimbamerica
voir l'exposition Mother All I Did (...)
voir l'exposition Contact
voir l'exposition DDessin
voir l'exposition Demon's Tears

Born in 1989 in New York City, where she lives and works.

Heather Benjamin graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2016 with a BFA in Printmaking. Benjamin began self-publishing zines and artist books of her drawings in 2009. Since then, she has maintained her bookmaking and self-publishing practices while simultaneously branching out into making larger scale drawings and paintings, as well as animating, working with ceramics and textiles. By alternating violence and sensuality in her art, Heather Benjamin defends a feminism where the woman's body is glorified in all its forms to better be demystified, reflecting her roots in punk and DIY culture. Her drawings are often self-portraits taking the shape of hybrid creatures.

She has curated group shows at Andrew Edlin (NYC), New Image Art (LA), and 182 Ave C (NYC). She has exhibited her work extensively both nationally and internationally at Jeffrey Deitch, Muddguts, Miami Art Basel, NADA Chicago, Mana Contemporary, Invisible Exports, to name a few.

see Bimbamerica exhibition
see Mother All I Did (...) exhibition
see Contact exhibition
see DDessin exhibition
see Demon's Tears exhibition




● Demon’s Tears, Bim Bam Gallery, Paris, France (upcoming) 2020
● Slit, Underdogs Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal
● Invention of Hysteria, Hessel Museum of Art, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY (forthcoming)


● Burden of Blossom, Commune, Tokyo, JP
● Cowgirl Dental Floss, These Days, Los Angeles, CA


● Cavegirl Monologue, Muddguts, Brooklyn, NY


● Death of a Tail, Dress Shop, Brooklyn, NY


● Hard Feeling Girl, STREAM Gallery, Brooklyn, NY



● A Peripheral Reverie, Penske Projects, Los Angeles, CA
● Start Somewhere, Penske Projects/Voltz Clarke, New York, NY
● Crescendo, New Image Art, Los Angeles, CA
● Envelope, Drawer NYC/Essex Flowers, New York, NY
● All of Them Witches, Jeffrey Deitch, Los Angeles, CA


● Crying, Soma Gallery, Melbourne, AU
● Pink Moon, Worship Gallery, Seoul, KR
● Hard Sweat, Faultline, Los Angeles, CA
● A Fairly Secret Army, Wild Palms, Düsseldorf, DE
● Playdate, New Image Art, Los Angeles, CA
● Heather Benjamin / Shona McAndrew, Galerie Manqué, Brooklyn, NY
● Heather Benjamin / Shona McAndrew, Galerie Manqué, Brooklyn, NY
● Heather Benjamin & Justin Cole Smith: New Works, Mana Contemporary, Jersey City, NJ


● SKINS, Greenpoint Terminal Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
● Bathers, Planthouse, New York, NY
● Maiden Form, Andrew Edlin, New York, NY
● Mirror of Venus, New Image Art, Los Angeles, CA
● A Tree Falls In The Woods, Hashimoto Contemporary, San Francisco, CA


● Brooklyn Dirty Book Fair, Point Green, Brooklyn, NY
● Sort & Repeat, Good Mother Gallery, Oakland, CA


● Weird Women Who Draw, Windhorse Gallery, Kansas City, MO


● Dojob, Ladybug House, San Francisco, CA
● Frontal Lobotomy, Tender Trap, Brooklyn, NY


● Die A Sad Death: Heather Benjamin & Alexander Heir, Watdafac Gallery, Madrid, SP



● Rhode Island School of Design, BFA Printmaking



● Heather Benjamin, Zines 2009-2019, self published


● Heather Benjamin, Cavegirl Monologue, Sacred Bones



● Crescendo, New Image Art, Los Angeles, CA
● Fate In A Pleasant Mood, 182 Ave C, New York, NY


● Playdate, New Image Art, Los Angeles, CA


● Maiden Form, Andrew Edlin, New York, NY

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